09 NOV Stef van Es. De Pip.The Hague (The Netherlands)
12 NOV Flamenco Dance performance. Eindhoven (The Netherlands)
15 NOV Instant Composition Day (with Michael Moore, Wilbert de Joode, ...). Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
16 NOV Rodrigo Parejo quartet (Stef van Es, Greg Smith, Vasilis Stefanopoulos). Savana. The Hague (The Netherlands)
19 NOV Rodrigo Parejo "Matters of Asia" (Stef van Es, Greg Smith). Labru. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
26 NOV Manuel Alonso (flamenco). Soneros Barcelona. Spain
03 DEC Ricardo Valverde. Jimmy Glass. Valencia (Spain)
06 DEC Espacio Cruces. Madrid (Spain)
09 DEC Rodrigo Parejo Quartet (Andreas Arnold, Javier Moreno, Miguel Hiroshi). El Plaza. Madrid (Spain)
16 DEC Rodrigo Parejo solo. The Rincon Pio Sound. Don Benito. (Spain)
06 JAN Rodrigo Parejo flamenco jazz trio. El Duende. Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
07 JAN Rodrigo Parejo / Stef van Es. Twee Spieghels. Leiden. The Netherlands
08 JAN Oene van Geel. Monday Match Dance. Bimhuis. Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
12 JAN Rodrigo Parejo / Rembrand Frerichs "A walk around the world". Regentenkamer.The Hague (The Netherlands)
16 JAN Rodrigo Parejo "Matters of Asia". Dizzy. Rotterdam. (The Netherlands)
19 JAN Flamenco Dance performance. Regentes Theater. The Hague (The Netherlands)
20 JAN Anna Montan keroncong project. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
21 JAN Rodrigo Parejo "Matters of Asia" (Stef van Es, Greg Smith). Labru.Rotterdam. The Netherlands
27 JAN Anna Mikhailova. Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
1-22 JAN Maya Dance Theater. Release 6.0
14 JAN Jeremy Monteiro group (guest). Singapore (Singapore)
20 JAN Maya Dance Theater. Release 6.0. Goodman Arts Centre (Singapore)
20 JAN Pablo Calzado group (latin jazz). Montreaux Jazz Cafe (Singapore)
21 JAN Maya Dance Theater. Release 6.0. Goodman Arts Centre (Singapore)
26 JAN WVC band (guest). Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
27 JAN Ed Lee quartet (guest). Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
31 JAN WVC band (guest). Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
16 FEB Gustu Brahmanta. Bali (Indonesia)
17 FEB Gustu Brahmanta. Bali (Indonesia)
23 FEB Gustu Brahmanta. Bali (indonesia)
24 FEB Gustu Brahmanta. Bali (indonesia)
02 MAR Alberto Marín (flamenco-jazz). No Black Tie. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
07 APR Alberto Marín (flamenco-jazz). Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
08 APR Alberto Marín (flamenco-jazz). Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
12 APR Pablo Calzado latin-jazz group. No Black Tie. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
13 APR Pablo Calzado latin-jazz group. No Black Tie. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
18 APR John Thomas quartet (colaboration). No black Tie. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
22 APR DJ Maestro. No Black Tie. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
24 APR Andalucian nights. Misa Yamamoto, Tan Chee Shen, Rodrigo Parejo. No Black Tie. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
30 APR International Jazz Day. No Black Tie. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
17 MAY John Thomas Trio (feat. Rodrigo Parejo). No Black Tie. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
24 MAY Peter Dickson quartet . No Black Tie. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
26 MAY John Thomas Quartet (feat. Rodrigo Parejo). No Black Tie. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
31 MAY Az Samad/Rodrigo Parejo duo. No Black Tie. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
01 JUN Az Samad/Rodrigo Parejo duo. No Black Tie. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
03 JUN Sapeh Ensemble. No Black Tie. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
06 JUN Flamenco jazz . No Black Tie. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
07 JUN Flamenco jazz. No Black Tie. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
08 JUN John Dip Silas, Stalk (sax, electronics), Rodrigo Parejo (flutes,voice, electronics).No Black Tie. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
21 JUN Rodrigo Parejo quartet (with John Dip Silas, Fly, John Thomas). Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
28 JUN Peter Dickson / Lewis Pragasam (feat. Rodrigo Parejo). No Black Tie. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
01-07 JUL Bali (Indonesia)
09 JULY. Origen. Bobo KL. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
10 JULY. Origen (press conference). Bobo KL. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
12 JULY Origen. KL PAC . Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
13 JULY Origen. KL PAC. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
15 JULY Origen. Power Mac Spotlight Theater. Manila (Philippines)
16 JULY Origen. Power Mac Spotlight Theater. Manila (Philppines)
21 JULY Origen. Jazz Festival. Kota Kinabaru (Malaysia)
01 AUG Sanur . Bali (Indonesia)
05 AUG Jeeve. Bali (Indonesia)
10 AUG Ubud (Bali, Indonesia)
12 AUG Koko Harsoe Trio (feat. Rodrigo Parejo). Ubud Village Festival. Bali (Indonesia)
16 AUG Recording. Solo (Indonesia)
26 AUG John Dip Silas group. Publika Festival. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
01 SEP Alberto Marín Trio with Rose Borromeo Spanish Dance Company. Esplanade Theater (Singapore)
02 SEP Flamenco Sin Fronteras. Esplanade Theater (Singapore)
03 SEP Alberto Marín Trio with Rose Borromeo Spanish Dance Company. Esplanade Theater (Singapore)
06 SEP Pablo Calzado group. Artistry (Singapore)
12 OCT Alberto Marín Trio. Marriot KL. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
13 OCT Alberto Marín Trio . Bobo KL . Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
14 OCT Alberto Marín Trio. Bobo KL . Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
02 JAN Roldán (colaboration). The Rincón Pío Sound. Don Benito (Spain)
09 JAN The Power of suggestion. The Hague (The Netherlands)
23 JAN The Power of suggestion. The Hague (The Netherlands)
31 JAN Miguel Rubio / Rodrigo Parejo (Sambayá). The Hague (The Netherlands)
06 FEB Caligari's Orchestra. The Sound of Silence film Festival. Theater Regentes, The Hague (The Netherlands)
12 FEB Rodrigo Parejo / Anna Mikhailova. Perdu. Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
13 FEB The Power of Suggestion. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
01 MAR Sambayá. Theater De Regentes. The Hague (The Netherlands)
06 MAR Sambayá recording. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
10 MAR Rodrigo Parejo / Kenzo Sukuda (dance). Loos Studio, The Hague (The Netherlands)
18 MAR The Power of Suggestion. The Bordelaise, The Hague (The Netherlands)
19 MAR Sambayá (duo). Ibis Hotel. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
02 APR The Power of Suggestion. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
08 APR Erminia Fernández Córdoba (flamenco). La Bulería, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
12 APR Nita Aartsen. Double Six. Legian. Bali (Indonesia)
13 APR Nita Aartsen. tba. Bali (Indonesia)
14 APR Nita Aartsen. Ryoshi. Bali (Indonesia)
17 APR Nita Aartsen. Casa Luna. Ubud. Bali (Indonesia)
23 APR Rodrigo Parejo solo. Surakarta, Java (Indonesia)
26 APR Redy Eko and contemporary gamelan. Malang. Java (Indonesia)
29 APR World Dance Day. Theater Besar. Surakarta. Java (Indonesia)
04 JUN Jacqueline Castro Ravelo (south-american music). Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
11 JUN The Power of Suggestion. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
14 JUN Anna Mikhailova. Art Radio Rotterdam. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
25 JUN Sambaya duo. tba. The Hague (The Netherlands)
27 JUN Sambaya. Festival tba. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
29 JUN Rodrigo Parejo solo. Musica en Vena. Madrid (Spain)
29 JUN Nita Aartsen. El Despertar. Madrid (Spain)
01 JUL Nita Aartsen. workshop. Don Benito (Spain)
01 JUL Nita Aartsen-Rodrigo Parejo. FEVAL. Don Benito (Spain)
02 JUL Nita Aartsen. Jazzcafe. Córdoba (Spain)
03 JUL Nita Aartsen. La Chistera. Monachil Granada. Spain
05 JUL Nita Aartsen. Assejazz. Sevilla (Spain)
06 JUL Sambayá. . Festival Rotterdam tba. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
06 JUL Patrick Lauwerends & friends (flamenco-jazz). Theater Kappeltje. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
07 JUL The Power of suggestion. North Sea Round Town. Labru. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
09 JUL Jacqueline Castro Ravelo / Nita Aartsen. Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
11 JUL Rodrigo Parejo trio. Murphys Law. The Hague (The Netherlands)
15 JUL Rodrigo Parejo flamenco-jazz trio. La Bulería. Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
17 JUL Anna Mikhailova - Songs. Summer Festival The Hague (The Netherlands)
23 JUL Sambayá. Binnendieze. Den Bosch. (The Netherlands)
13 AUG Sambayá. De Fuut. Den Haag (The Netherlands)
18 AUG Sambayá. Jazz in de Gracht Festival. Den Haag (The Netherlands)
27 AUG Sambayá. Delft Jazz Festival. Delft. (The Netherlands)
28 AUG Sambayá. Dizzy. Rotterdam. (The Netherlands)
02 SEP Sambayá. Jazz in de Regentes Festival. The Hague (The Netherlands)
03 SEP Sambayá. Noordplein. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
03 SEP Flamenco: Iris Victoria (dance) / Cristina Soler (voice) / Rodrigo Parejo (flutes,FX) / Carlos Ema (piano).
El Duende. Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
08 SEP Peni Candrarini group (opening SIPA) .
Solo International Performing Arts Festival (SIPA). Surakarta (Java,Indonesia)
09 SEP Rodrigo Parejo "A Spring in Java" (feat. Candra Rini and Sentana Art Collective).
Solo International Performing Arts Festival (SIPA). Surakarta. (Java, Indonesia)
10 SEP Collective international group.
Solo Internation Performing Arts Festival (SIPA). Surakarta (Java, Indonesia)
15 SEP Ethnic group Jazz Patrol. Banyuwangi (East Java, Indonesia)
16 SEP Ethnic group Jazz Patrol. Banyuwangi (East Java, Indonesia)
18 SEP Workshop. Omah Apik. Ubud. Bali (Indonesia)
18 SEP Nita Aartsen group. Casa Luna. Ubud. Bali (Indonesia)
19 SEP Brazilian music workshop. Omah Apik. Ubud. Bali (Indonesia)
21 SEP Rodrigo Parejo Solo. Malang Festival. Malang. Java (Indonesia)
22 SEP Redy Eko. Malang Festival. Kampung Cempluk. Malang. Java (Indonesia)
23 SEP Redy Eko. Malang Festival. Kampung Cempluk. Malang. Java (Indonesia)
24 SEP Redy Eko. Batu. Java (Indonesia)
01 OCT Rodrigo Parejo / Tesla Manaf. Solo City Jazz Festival. Surakarta, Java (Indonesia)
07 OCT Pablo Calzado group. Singjazz. Singapore (Singapore)
08 OCT Redy Eko-Trie Utami,...Boen Festival. Borneo, Kalimantan (Indonesia)
09 OCT Redy Eko-Trie Utami,...Boen Festival. Borneo, Kalimantan (Indonesia)
12 OCT Her coat of arms (feat. Rodrigo Parejo) (Sri Hanuraga, Adra Karim, Rafi Muhammad). Queenshead. Jakarta (Indonesia)
14 OCT Nita Aartsen. Jajan Jazz. Jakarta (Indonesia)
15 OCT Nita Aartsen. Jakarta (Indonesia)
16 OCT Rodrigo Parejo "A Spring in Java". Penataran Hindu Temple. Java, (Indonesia)
23 OCT Simak Dialog (colaboration). Prambanan Heritage Jazz Festival. Prambanan temple.Yogyakarta (Indonesia)
27 OCT Music Workshop. NuArt Music Lab. Bandung. (Java, Indonesia)
27 OCT Simak Dialog (colaboration). Bandung Jazz Festival. Bandung (Java, Indonesia)
01 NOV Sambaya. Dizzy. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
07 NOV Rodrigo Parejo + Stratocluster (CZ). tba. Prague (Czech Republic)
08 NOV Rodrigo Parejo + Stratocluster (CZ). Alternativa Festival. Prague (Czech Republic)
09 NOV Rodrigo Parejo + Stratocluster (CZ). tba. Prague (Czech Republic)
12 NOV "A cuerda y tacón" (with Pol Vaquero, Flaco de Nerja, Antonio Sánchez, Saul Quirós, Lucky Losada) . Festival Flamenco Vienna. Vienna (Austria)
14 NOV La Musa Impro Orchestra. Stern. Vienna (Austria)
15 NOV Rodrigo Parejo/Attila Gyárfás/Fenyvesi Márton. Lumen. Budapest (Hungary)
17 NOV Flute Summit (with Cyrille Oswald, Robert Fishman, Vit Pospisil). Jazzdock. Prague (Czech Republic)
18 NOV Flute Summit (with Cyrille Oswald, Robert Fishman, Vit Pospisil). Reduta. Prague (Czech Republic)
19 NOV Flute Summit (with Cyrille Oswald, Robert Fishman, Vit Pospisil). Male Glen. Prague (Czech Republic)
20 NOV tba. Vienna (Austria)
21 NOV Orchidee Ensemble. Vienna (Austria)
22 NOV Orchidee Ensemble. Vienna (Austria)
23 NOV Orchidee Ensemble. University of Vienna. Vienna (Austria)
24 NOV World Music Sessions (with Mahan Mirarab group). KultuurCentrum Neruda. Vienna (Austria)
29 NOV Rodrigo Parejo + Luis Mora. Murphys Law. The Hague (The Netherlands)
30 NOV Rodrigo Parejo + Luis Mora. Labru. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
06 DEC Flaco de Nerja-Rodrigo Parejo-Ruven Ruppik (flamenco). Dizzy. Rotterdam. (The Netherlands)
08 DEC Rodrigo Parejo flamenco trio. tba. Utrecht (The Netherlands)
09 DEC Rodrigo Parejo flamenco . La Bulería. Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
10 DEC Rodrigo Parejo flamenco trio. El Duende. Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
15 DEC Bobby Martínez / Pepe Rivero (colaboration CD presentation). Bogui Jazz, Madrid (Spain)
30 DEC Rodrigo Parejo solo. The Rincón Pío Sound. Don Benito (Spain)
26 DEC Rodrigo Parejo solo. The Rincón Pío Sound. Don Benito (Spain)
18 DEC Rodrigo Parejo/Álvaro Corcuera. Dolce Vita. Don Benito (Spain)
06 DEC The power of suggestion. The Hague (The Netherlands)
21 NOV Anna Mikhailova. Orgelpark. Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
15 NOV Flaco de Nerja. recording. Vienna (Austria)
14 NOV "Bailaoras" (feat. Lucía Ruibal). Flamenco Festival Vienna. Akzent Theater, Vienna (Austria)
01 NOV The Power of suggestion. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
31 OCT The Power of suggestion. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
11 OCT EX Flamenco trio. Noordwal 117, The Hague (The Netherlands)
09 OCT The Power of Suggestion. The Hague (The Netherlands)
29 SEP Orchidee. . Vienna (Austria)
28 SEP Orchidee. Vienna International Contemporary Flute Festival Go_Ete. Vienna. Vienna (Austria)
26 SEP Orchidee. Amann studios. live recording. Vienna (Austria)
25 SEP Orchidee. Vienna (Austria)
24 SEP Orchidee. Atelier Talos Kedl. Vienna (Austria)
07 SEP Rodrigo Parejo Flamenco-Jazz trio (with Flaco de Nerja). tba, Rotterdam. (The Netherlands)
06 SEP Rodrigo Parejo Flamenco-Jazz trio (with Flaco de Nerja, Udo Demandt). Uitfeest festival, Instituto Cervantes. Utrecht (The Netherlands)
05 SEP Flaco de Nerja + Rodrigo Parejo trio (feat. Ruven Ruppik). Cafe Cultura, Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
04 SEP Flaco de Nerja + Rodrigo Parejo trio (feat. Erminia Fernández Córdoba). La Bulería, Amsterdam. (The Netherlands)
03 SEP Rodrigo Parejo Flamenco-Jazz trio (+ Flaco de Nerja). tba. (The Netherlands)
21 AUG Rodrigo Parejo M.O.A. (Stef van Es, Anthony Davis). Jazz in de Gracht festival. The Hague (The Netherlands)
14 AUG MAO ARATA (dance) + Rodrigo Parejo (M.O.A.)". A corte dos bois. Santa Ana, Ourense. Galicia. (Spain)
13 AUG Rodrigo Parejo+Diego Mune. Ponerarte festival. Portonovo, Galicia. (Spain)
12 AUG MAO ARATA (dance) + Rodrigo Parejo (M.O.A.)". Ponerarte festival. Portonovo, Galicia. (Spain)
10-14 AUG MAO ARATA (dance) + Rodrigo Parejo (M.O.A.). Tour. Spain
31 JUL Rodrigo Parejo Cuarteto. Dolce Vita, Don Benito (Spain)
30 JUL Rodrigo Parejo Cuarteto. Bellearte, Cáceres (Spain)
27 JUL La Banda de Coque Malla. (colaboration) Cafe Central. Madrid (Spain)
19 JUL Rodrigo Parejo M.O.A. (Stef van Es, Rafael Morales, Anthony Davis). Summer festival, Grotemarkt. The Hague (The Netherlands)
18 JUL Horus Tolson. The Hague (The Netherlands)
17 JUL Horus Tolson. Rotterdam. (The Netherlands)
06 JUL Nita Aartsen. Labru. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
27 JUN. Sambayá. North Sea Round Town. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
05 JUN. Melati Putih + Intan Kurniawati (dance). Penutara Temple. Blitar, Java(Indonesia)
30 MAY. Melati Putih + Rianto (dance). Lanjong Arts Festival. Katai Kurtanegara, Kalimantan (Indonesia)
29 MAY. Melati Putih, Workshop Improvisation and dance. Lanjong Arts Festival. Katai Kurtanegara, Kalimantan (Indonesia)
22 MAY. Melati Putih. BMB Festival. Surakarta, Java (Indonesia)
16 MAY. Nita Aartsen trio. Ubud, Bali (Indonesia)
15 MAY. Nita Aartsen trio. Bali (Indonesia)
14 MAY. Nita Aartsen trio. Bali (Indonesia)
12 MAY. Nita Aartsen trio. Jakarta (Indonesia)
11 MAY. Nita Aartsen trio. Jakarta (Indonesia)
08 MAY. Modelo62. Splendor Theater. Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
07 MAY. Modelo62. Loos Studio. The Hague (The Netherlands)
01 MAY. Sambayá. Café Cultura. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
04 APR Rodrigo Parejo flamenco trio. Est Est Est. The Hague (The Netherlands)
02 APR Daniel van Huffelen. Plantagedok. Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
27 MAR Sambayá. (The Netherlands)
21 MAR Philip Adie. Est Est Est. The Hague (The Netherlands)
12 MAR Tree Oh (CD Presentation). Korzo Theater. The Hague (The Netherlands)
24 FEB. Vinnie vibes group. Brussels (Belgium)
15 FEB. Sambayá (The Netherlands)
08 FEB. Sambayá (The Netherlands)
24 JAN. Sambayá. (The Netherlands)
20 NOV. 4SS. tba. Viena (Austria)
19 NOV. Flaco de Nerja "in Memoriam Paco de Lucía". Sargfabrik, Viena (Austria)
18 NOV. Orchidee. Viena (Austria)
16 NOV. Orchidee. Viena (Austria)
15 NOV. Orchjdee. Viena. (Austria)
13 NOV. Orchidee. Viena (Austria)
27 OCT. As guests quartet. Jazzdock Jazz Club. Prague (Czech Republic)
26 OCT. As guests quartet. Bratislava Jazz Days, Bratislava (Slovakia)
25 OCT. As guests quartet. Kursalon Jazz Club, Piestany. (Slovakia)
Past activities:
JULY. Sambaya. Spanish Tour. Galicia (Spain)
14 JUN. with Pak Suprapto and solo performance. Nity Karya Festival. Pacitan, Java. (Indonesia)
29 APR. World Dance Day. Surakarta, (Indonesia)
25 MAR. Parejo-Plente duo. Bukan Music Biasa Festival, Surakarta. (Indonesia)
01 JAN. Sampai Jumpa (dance group). Temple Sukoh. Jawa (Indonesia)
09NOV MOA (Stef van Es, Rafael Morales, Anthony Davis).The Hague (Netherlands)
22-24OCT The Hague Ethospheric Orchestra (CD recording feat.Michael Moore, Oene van Geel). E-sounds studio, Weesp (Netherlands)
18OCT MOA (Solo). Amsterdam (Netherlands)
14OCT Boris Mogilevski band. Regentenkamer, The Hague (Netherlands)
30SEP Jacqueline Castro Ravelo (CD presentation). Centrum de Born, Zutphen (Nethelands)
23SEP Jacqueline Castro Ravelo (CD presentation). Synagoge, Delft (Netherlands)
25-26AUG Jacqueline Castro Ravelo “Retratos” (recording). Synagoge, Delft (Netherlands)
23AUG Fantine Tho. Cafe De Paap, The Hague (NED)
18AUG Lazara Lopez Cachao/Gerardo Rosales. Dias Latinos festival, Amersfoort (NED)
31JUL-02AUG. Sparklebox. Portonovo festival/Santiago de Compostela. Galicia (Spain)
18JUL Bambra (Gnawa music) (recording). Madrid (Spain)
08JUL Boris Mogilevski band. Dizzy cafe. Rotterdam (Spain)
07JUL Daniel van Huffelen group (with Michael Vatcher, Natalio Sued, Tristan Huppe). Epe Jazz festival, Epe (Netherlands
05JUL Aravah Quintet.North Sea Round Town. Rotterdam (Netherlands)
30JUN Venezuelan music with: Bam Bam, Gerardo Rosales, Tato de Moraes. The Hague (Netherlands)
17JUN The Hague Ethospheric Orchestra (feat. Oene van Geel). Spui Theater. The Hague (Netherlands)
19MAY Diego Mune, Emil Gross. Mark Neuhodis castle (Austria)
18MAY Yedda Lin. Kreuzberg, Viena (Austria)
17MAY Diego Mune,E.Gross.Celeste, Viena (Austria)
16MAY Flaco de Nerja. KulturRaum Neruda, Viena (Austria)
11-13MAY Sputchnikte festival (recording for ORF radio). Neumarkt (Austria)
05MAY recording with Nick Dawson. Bangkok (Thailand)
26APR recording with Bambu Wukir. Yogjakarta (Indonesia)
18APR-05MAY Traditional Indonesian music studies. Java, Bali (Indonesia)
03MAR Phare Ponleu Selpak music group. Pailin Music Festival, Pailin (Cambodia)
08FEB-13APR Cambodian music research-studies/volunteer Educator/Artist in Residency. Phare Ponleu Selpak, Battambang(Cambodia)
18-23JAN Diego Mune/Rodrigo Parejo (feat. Jodi Gilbert, Neel de Jong/M.Baggiani/D.vanHuffelen...) Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam (Netherlands)
15JAN The Hague Ethospheric Orchestra (feat. Norma Winston). Conducted by John Ruocco. Spui Theater, The Hague (Netherlands)
29-31DEC 4StatesSessions. Neumarkt an der Raab (AUT)
17/22DEC Grupo Raíces. Don Benito/Mérida (ESP)
13DEC Projekt Z (with Werner Zangerles) Hot Club, Gent (BEL)
11DEC Projekt Z (with Werner Zangerles). The Hague (NED)
11DEC The Hague Ethospheric Orchestra (feat. Michael Moore). Spui Theater, The Hague (NED)
10DEC 11DEC. Projekt Z (with Werner Zangerles). The Hague (NED)
09DEC Projekt Z (with Werner Zangerles). Sounds Jazz Club, Brussels (BEL)
03DEC Masquerade#2 (Wen Chin Fu, Dewi de Vree...). Villa Kabila, The Hague (NED)
20NOV The Hague Ethospheric Orchestra (feat. Tom Beek) Spui Theater, The Hague (NED)
18NOV Projekt Z. Jazzycolors festival, Paris (FRA)
14NOV Diego Mune, Rodrigo Parejo, Miguel Arcos (recording). Paris (FRA)
02NOV Either or not (Marie Guilleray, Felicity Provan, Wen Chin Fun). Trytone festival, Amsterdam (NED)
15OCT Luo Chao Yun. The Hague (NED)
09OCT The Hague Ethospheric Orchestra (feat. Alex Sipiagin). Spui Theater, The Hague (NED)
07-14OCT Tree House tour (BEL-NED)
30OCT Neel de Jong, Augusto Pirodda, Rafael Morales. Holland Dance Parade, The Hague (NED)
23-25SEP Chilijazz festival (broadcasted by ORF radio) with Diego Mune, Maggie Nicols, Jacques Demierre,..). Neumarkt an der Raab (AUT)
22SEPT Flaco de Nerja group with Saray Muñoz and Israel Cerreduela. Theater Odeon, Flamenco Festivl Viena. (AUT).
11SEP The Hague Ethospheric Orchestra (feat. Harry Sokal). Spui Theater, The Hague (NED)
03SEPT Jam de la Creme (Esmee Olthuis, Arthur Flink,Kern Koppern...). Museumnacht festival. Gemeente Museum, The Hague (NED)
26-28AUG Pekart festival. Maribor (SLO)
29JUL Improvisation workshop. Don Benito (ESP)
19-22JUL Music Summer Course. Beas de Segura (ESP)
27JUN Projekt Z. Jazzdock, Prague (CZE)
26JUN Wizzard of OZ (Petr Zelenka/Cyrille Oswald). Prague (CZE)
25JUN Ob-sessions (Marcel Barta, Petr Zelenka, Tomas Hobzek, Vladi Mir). Broadcasted life for ORF Radio. Prague (CZE)
19JUN The Hague Ethospheric Orchestra (feat. Ilja Reijngoud). Spui Theater, The Hague (NED)
16JUN Los Compadres + Wizzard of OZ. Amsterdam (NED)
15JUN with Petr Zelenka/Onno Govaert. Trytone Festival, Zaal100. Amsterdam (NED)
06JUN Anna Mikhailova. Nuthuis. The Hague (NED)
05JUN Afrikaanse Veren (feat. Sabrina Starke/Winston Scholberg). Boekids festival, The Hague (NED)
29MAY The Hague Ethospheric Orchestra (feat. Jasper Blom). Spui Theater, The Hague (NED)
13-15MAY Sputchnikte Festival (broadcasted by ORF radio) performing with Helmut Neugebauer, Diego Mune, Karl Ritter, Michael Mussillani, Marc Sloan, Otto Lechner, Christy Doran,...). Neumarkt an der Raab (AUT)
10APR The Hague Ethospheric Orchestra (feat. Anton Goudsmith). Spui Theater, The Hague (NED)
09APR Dance Sketches (Wiboud Burkens, Harry Emmery, Ruben van Roon). Korzo Theater, The Hague (NED)
28MAR with Guillermo Celano/Wilbert De Joode. Oorsprong, Amsterdam (NED)
22MAR Ivar Grydeland SIM group. Victoria, Oslo (NOR)
13MAR The Hague Ethospheric Orchestra (feat. Michiel Borstlap). Spui Theater, The Hague (NED)
03/10MAR Los Compadres. Loos Studio. The Hague/Amsterdam (NED)
17-18FEB Jen Shy Workshops (organization). Amsterdam, The Hague (NED)
06FEB London Improvisers Orchestra (Steve Beresford, Dave Tucker, Neil Metcalfe, Lol Coxhill...). Cafe Oto, London (GBR)
30JAN The Hague Ethospheric Orchestra (feat Yuri Honing). Spui Theater, The Hague (NED)
19JAN Royal Improvisers Orchestra. Trytone Festival, Zaal100, Amsterdam (NED)